Some of Peter’s verdicts and settlements
Personal Injury
Medical Malpractice
Facial filler injection that occluded artery, was not noticed, caused necrosis, need for painful laser treatments with slight residual facial scarring.
Settlement of $400,000
5 Auto Accidents
Over the course of 12 months, I represented 5 clients through their personal injury claims following auto accidents. All 5 clients received settlements of over $50,000.
Settlements of Over $50,000
Wrongful Death
A man in his late 50s who was in treatment with a psychologist for depression committed suicide, leaving a widow and two teenage children. Investigation revealed that the psychologist breached the standard of care by failing to act on the patient's increasing depression.
Settlement of $500,00
Wrongful Death
A forty-year-old single man died in the North Tower of the World Trade Center in the September 11 terrorist attacks. The family filed a claim with the 9/11 Victim Compensation Fund.
Settlement of $1.3 million
Auto Accident
A Framingham resident sustained several fractured ribs and a punctured lung in an auto accident caused by a driver going through a stop sign in Norwood.
Settlement of $100,000
Nursing Home Injury
Nursing home patient sustained burn to her arm from falling out of bed and landing near a heater. Investigation revealed that nursing home violated standards regarding distance of beds from heaters
Settlement of $90,000
Defective Product
Client sustained severe hand injury using a circular saw. Unknown to client, saw owner had removed safety guard on saw. Claim settled against homeowner's insurer of saw owner before suit.
Settlement of $265,000
Auto Accident
Client had headaches and vertigo after being struck by a car while a pedestrian. No hospitalization. Client tried to settle with insurer but could only obtain $2,000 offer. Client did not want to file suit and case settled for $10,000 after attorney became involved.
Settlement of $10,000
Medical Malpractice
Doctor failed to properly monitor healing of arm fracture after surgery resulting in pain and partial loss of range of motion.
Settlement of $250,000
Auto Accident
Car struck at intersection resulting in neck and back pain requiring physical therapy but no hospitalization or surgery.
Settlement of $25,000
Defective Product
Young boy sustained injury to his penis from being caught in the mesh of a swimsuit. He fully recovered. Investigation revealed that manufacturer of swimsuit was aware of similar injuries, but it failed to change the design.
Settlement of $25,000
Auto Accident
Head-on collision resulting in small sternum fracture which did not require treatment other than pain medication.
Settlement of $28,000
Auto Accident
Woman hit by car that rolled down hill after breaking loose from tow truck. Client had neck, back and knee injury with outpatient arthroscopic surgery.
Settlement of $105,000
Auto Accident
Driver struck broadside by car that ran a red light. Injury was a clavicle fracture requiring outpatient surgery. Settlement of $50,000 policy limit from other driver, and $80,000 from client's underinsurance insurance coverage.
Settlement of $130,000
Auto Accident
Pedestrian struck by car in crosswalk sustained leg fractures and required surgery.
Settlement of $330,000
Man hit in face by stranger in Boston, sustained nose fracture. Perpetrator was identified by police, and he later paid a $10,000 settlement.
Settlement of $10,000
Auto Accident
College student sustained scalp and hand cuts and a concussion in a car accident on Route 2 in Bedford that was caused by another driver. He was not admitted to the hospital. A doctor believed that his head injury caused some attention span and memory problems for a period of time.
Settlement of $165,000
Auto Accident
Man on a motorcycle injured when cut off by car. He had multiple previous injuries and prior shoulder and leg surgeries.
Settlement of $385,000
Contractor was sued by a subcontractor who claimed that he was not fully paid for his work. Client testified that the work done was sub-standard and he to be redone. Jury found in favor of the client, and awarded the contractor over $58,000.
Settlement of $58,000
Medical Malpractice
Dentist Installed braces for too long, and too tightly, and the client is likely to need to have all of her teeth pulled and replaced with implants. Case settle for $225,000 prior to suit.
Settlement of $225,000
Criminal Defense
Clerk-Magistrate Hearings
Over the course of 12 months, represented clients through 24 clerk-magistrate hearings. 19 of the 24 resulted in no criminal charges or criminal record.
No Criminal Charges or Criminal Record
Drunk Driving Jury Trial
Client charged with drunk driving. Case brought before jury trial.
Not Guilty Verdict
Drunk Driving Jury Trial
Not Guilty verdict in a case where a young woman had a few drinks and there was a collision caused by another driver. She was extremely emotional, and the police made her do a walk and turn and one-legged stand while she was crying hysterically because the police were not helping the driver who cut her off.
Not Guilty
Driving Jury Trial
Tragic case against man who was driving after dark in the pouring rain at less than 25 mph (in a 45 mph zone) due to poor visibility. A young teenager dressed in dark clothes skateboarded In front of the car. The boy, sadly, was killed and the client was charged with motor vehicle homicide. Case went to trial before a judge who found client.
Not Guilty
Veteran Criminal Charge
When a veteran with no previous records was charged with a crime, I was able to get his case dismissed under the MA Valor Act.
Case Dismissed Under the MA Valor Act
25 Criminal Cases
Over the course of 12 months, I was able to get 25 criminal cases favorably disposed of in district courts throughout the state of Massachusetts. None of these clients were incarcerated.
No Clients Incarcerated
Five (5) verdicts in jury trials for operating under the influence of alcohol in the period of 18 months.
Veteran Criminal Charge
Under the MA Valor Act, I was able to defend a veteran client who was charged with a crime and had no previous criminal record.