Bone fractures — especially broken wrists, broken arms, and broken legs — are very common injuries in motor vehicle accidents, falls and other accidents. If you have suffered a fracture in an accident caused by someone else's negligence, you may have a personal injury claim.
Bedford-Concord fracture injury attorney Peter G. DeGelleke has been protecting the rights of clients throughout Massachusetts since 1977. If you have broken a bone in an accident, he can help you understand your options and diligently pursue the compensation you deserve.
Understanding How Fractures Are Treated Under Massachusetts Law
Bone fractures range from relatively simple, clean breaks that can be set with a cast to crush injuries in bones like the sternum, clavicle, and pelvis, which may require complex surgery. Many fractures heal within a few weeks or months, while some have long-term consequences.
Even if your fracture heals relatively quickly, you may still be entitled to compensation for your pain and suffering, as well as any long-term weakening of that part of your body.
Under Massachusetts' no-fault insurance law, fractures are treated somewhat differently from many other types of injuries. If you have suffered a fracture in an accident, you may pursue a personal injury claim against the responsible party no matter how high your medical bills are.
If You Have Suffered a Broken Bone Injury, Contact an Attorney
If you have fractured a bone in an accident, it is important not to sign any settlement agreements you are offered until you have talked to a lawyer. To schedule a free consultation with Mr. DeGelleke, please contact his office at 781-275-0800 or by e-mail today.