Firearm Offenses
Alleged criminal acts involving handguns and firearms offenses are taken very seriously by the state of Massachusetts. If you have been accused of a crime involving a firearm, or if you are at risk of losing your right to own or carry firearms, retain the experienced counsel you need.
Bedford-Concord defense attorney Peter G. DeGelleke has been helping to protect the rights of people throughout Massachusetts since 1977. He understands what it takes to build a strong defense against criminal charges and what steps should be taken to protect your right to own firearms. For a free initial consultation to discuss your situation, complete an online contact form or call 781-275-0800.
Get Help From a Lawyer and an NRA Member
The gun laws regarding possession, carrying and use of firearms are very complicated and are frequently changed. People who innocently come into possession of a firearm, perhaps from an inheritance, or those whose firearms identification cards or licenses have expired, can find themselves unexpectedly facing criminal charges.
Attorney DeGelleke is a member of the NRA and is on its attorney referral list, so he is very familiar with these laws. He also handles appeals of firearms license denials and revocations.
Protect Your Rights. Contact a Defense Attorney.
Attorney Peter G. DeGelleke is committed to providing excellent personal service to help his clients navigate the criminal justice system. When you hire him to defend you, he will devote his full attention to your case. Attorney DeGelleke will never delegate responsibility for your defense to a paralegal or a less-experienced attorney without your permission. Complete an online contact form or call at 781-275-0800 to set up a free initial consultation.